Positional OSA Therapy Treatmen
Positional Sleep Apnea, Therapy

Partnership Expands Positional OSA Therapy Treatment Options in the Caribbean

Sleep Specialists, LLC, developers of the FDA-cleared Zzoma® positional therapy device, and ISD Health Solutions, the leading provider of sleep disorder treatment in the Caribbean, today announced a partnership to bring the benefits of Zzoma to patients suffering from mild to moderate positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This collaboration comes just in time for World Sleep Day on March 15th, 2024, a global initiative highlighting the importance of sleep health.

This partnership aligns with Sleep Specialists’ global strategy to educate physicians and patients that Zzoma can benefit almost two-thirds of all OSA patients.

ISD Health Solutions, committed to addressing the alarming rates of diabetes and obesity linked to sleep apnea in Trinidad and Tobago and the broader Caribbean region, will now incorporate Zzoma into its clinical services.

“We are excited to partner with ISD Health Solutions,” says Michael J. Markus, PhD, Executive Director of Sleep Specialists, LLC. “Their dedication to improving sleep health aligns perfectly with our mission to provide innovative and accessible treatment options for sleep apnea, and the timing couldn’t be better as we approach World Sleep Day.”

“Zzoma offers a unique solution that has the potential to significantly impact the lives of countless patients in the Caribbean,” says Gregory Arneaud, Clinical Director of ISD Health Solutions. “By adding Zzoma to our treatment offerings, we can help more people find relief and improve their overall health and well-being.”– a goal that resonates deeply with the message of World Sleep Day.”

Potential Benefits of Zzoma Positional Therapy:

  • Expanded Treatment Options: Zzoma is a comfortable and effective alternative or supplement to CPAP therapy, especially for those diagnosed with positional OSA.
  • Increased Patient Compliance: Zzoma’s comfort and ease of use may lead to better patient adherence, potentially translating into positive health outcomes.

ISD Health Solutions, with its expertise of board-certified sleep physicians and respiratory therapists, will provide Zzoma in conjunction with diagnostic sleep testing, consumer education, and other sleep disorder treatments. Services are covered by most regional insurance providers.

Source: Sleep Specialists

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